Forecast Preferences

Use this dialog box to select the options for performing forecast calculations.


Field Description
Spread ETC according to This field provides you with two options for statistical forecast spreading:
  • Existing ETC spread — Select this option to base the forecast spread on the existing forecast spread when performing forecast calculations.
  • Budget — Select this option to base the forecast spread on the current budget spread when performing forecast calculations.

    Cobra uses the value of this option if you run the Calculate Forecast API process and do not include in the SpreadETCMethodId setting in the API script.

    Cobra displays an error if the Secure check box for this option is selected and the value of this setting does not match the value of the SpreadETCMethodId setting in the API script.

Allow negative ETC Select this option to instruct Cobra to calculate all negative Estimate To Complete (ETC) values. Otherwise, Cobra sets all negative ETC values to zero.

Cobra uses the value of this option if you run the Calculate Forecast API process and do not include in the AllowNegativeETC setting in the API script.

Cobra displays an error if the Secure check box for this option is selected and the value of this setting does not match the value of the AllowNegativeETC setting in the API script.

Scale retain EAC This field provides you with three options for scaling Estimate At Complete (EAC) values.
  • None — This is the default selection. Selecting this option instructs Cobra not to scale the EAC to a particular value.
  • Currency — Cobra uses the value stored in the EAC field in the control account/work package pane of the Project view to calculate the forecast further so that the total EAC currency value is equal to the EAC field value. When this option is selected, you can edit the EAC by selecting Update EAC from the shortcut menu in the Project view.
  • Hours — Cobra uses the value stored in the Hours.EAC field in the control account/work package pane of the Project view to calculate the forecast further so that the total EAC hours is equal to the Hours.EAC field value. When this option is selected, you can edit the Hours.EAC by selecting Update EAC from the shortcut menu in the Project view.
  • Hours and Currency — This option is a combination of the Hours and Currency options. As Cobra calculates the forecast, the resource assignments whose first result is Hours are scaled so that the total hours match the value stored in the Hours.EAC field in the control account/work package pane of the Project view. The resource assignments whose first result is not Hours use the EAC_NONLAB field to calculate the forecast further so that the total currency value EAC is equal to the EAC_NONLAB field value. When this option is selected, you can edit the Hours.EAC and EAC_NONLAB by selecting Update EAC from the shortcut menu in the Project view.

    Cobra uses the value of this option if you run the Calculate Forecast API process and do not include in the ScaleRetainEACId setting in the API script.

    Cobra displays an error if the Secure check box for this option is selected and the value of this setting does not match the value of the ScaleRetainEACId setting in the API script.

Selected Select this check box for any of the options to make the option selected by default in the process wizard where it is located.
Secure Select this check box for any of the options to prevent users from changing the setting for that particular option in process wizards where these options are also located. Cobra uses this feature to secure certain options while users run processes against projects.

If this check box is selected, this option cannot be modified on the options pages of the Cobra process wizards. Select this option to ensure that all users are using the same settings when running Cobra processes.